ENGLISH (2000)
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 150
Note: All questions are compulsory.
1. Write an essay on any ONE of the following topics. Use the guidelines indicated AND supply an appropriate introduction AND conclusion to your essay.
i) Indian is not a promise, only an appeal; Use this statement to open up the complexities of the changing goals of post independence India with reference to
a) economic reforms AND
b) foreign policy
ii) 'A house divided against itself shall not stand'. In the light of this statement set out the cause and result of any TWO events EACH in
a) Indian history AND
b) World history
iii) Write a short story built around the themse of the following poem,which is that true compassion cuts across boundaries of religion and race.
'The Prayer'
My brother kneels, so says Kabir,
To stone and brass in heathen – wise
But in my brother's voice I hear
MY own unanswered agonies.
His God is as the fates assign
His prayers is all the world's – and mine
iv) 'It is not necessary to replace a guillotined criminal: it is necessary to replace a guillotined social system.' Use this statement to examine the case for AND against capital punishment with reference to
a) Crimes against the State AND
b) Crimes against women and children
(v) Capital is the most powerful colonizer in the world today. In this context comment on the role of money in
a) sports AND
b) Cinema
2. The following passage sets out the anger and regret in the mind of a king as he comes to terms with the burden and responsibilities of kingship. There are TEN arguments used which have been numbered for your convenience. Rewrite these arguments in your OWN words in continuous prose, retaining the original order.
i) O hard condition!
Twin- born with greatness
ii) Subject to the breath
of every fool
iii) What infinite heart's ease
Must kings neglect that private men enjoy !
iv) And what have kings that privates have not too,
Save ceremony, save general ceremony?
v) And what are you, you idol ceremony?
What kind of god are you, who allows
More deadly griefs that do your worshippers?
vi) What are your rents? What is you income?
O ceremony ! only show your worth to me
What is your soul of adoration?
vii) Are you anything but place, degree and form,
Creating awe and fear in other men?
viii) Wherein you are less happy, being feared,
Than they in fearing.
ix) What drink you often, instead of homage sweet,
But poison unlattery?
x) O ! be sick, greet greatness;
And bid this ceremony give you health!
3. The following poem contains TEN statements which have been numbered for your convenience. ALL these statements have been constructed by the speaker to give a false impression of his wife for whose death he has been responsible. He does this by commenting here on her portrait. Explain EACH statement in your OWN words, retaining the original order, in which the speaker discuss the situation with a visitor towhom he shows the portrait (20)
i) ……………..Sir, it was not
He husband's presence only, called that blush
Of joy into my late wife's cheek: perhaps
ii) The painter chanced to say, 'Paint
Must never hope to reproduce the faint
Half-flush that dies along her throat:"
iii) Such stuff was courtesy, she thought, and cause enough
For calling up that spot of joy
iv) She had a heart – how shall I say ? – too soon made glad
Too easily moressed;
v) She liked whate'er she looked on, and her looks
Went every where.
vi) Sir, 'twas all one! My chin upon her breast
The drooping of the daylight in the west
vii) …………..all and each,
Would draw from her alike the approving speech
Or blush, at least.
viii) She thanked men, - good ! but thanked
Somehow – I know not how – as if she ranked
My gift of a nine-hundred-years-old name
With anybody's gift.
ix) Who'd stoop to blame this sort of trifling?
x) Even had you skill in speech (which I have not)
In speech – even then would be some stooping
And I choose never to stoop.
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