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Enroll for Scholarship cum Admission Test for CLAT / Law Entrance (LLB/LLM) Register Now
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Time:  Three hours
Maximum marks:  150

All questions are compulsory.

1.    Write an essay on any ONE of the following topics.  Use the guidelines indicated AND supply an appropriate introduction AND conclusion to your essay.
(i)    'Think globally, act locally.'  How wise is this advice?  Work out the complexities of this statement so as to examine the relevance (or otherwise) of
(a)    the swadeshi imperative to the Indian economy AND
(b)    panchayati raj to the Indian polity
(ii)    'Those who do not learn to lessons of history are compelled to repeat them.'  Substantiate this statement with reference to ONE event in internation history AND one event in Indian history.
Organize your material so as to bring out the following factors in the events you choose.
(a)    the co-existence of peace with honour AND
(b)    the folly of the moment versus the wisdom of hindsight
(iii)    Read the following verse from a war-poem and construct a story based on it so as to evoke a sense of dignity AND a sense of tragedy.
'For the fallen'
They shall not grown old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, not the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them
(iv)    'Gender-justice is the need of the hour.'Review recent legislation in Indian so as to bring out the truth of this statement with reference to the following areas:
(a)    Women in the workplace AND
(b)    Women and the family
(v)    Critically analyse media-coverage of the recent World Cup in the light of the paradox 'The silent advocate pleads best.'  Consider the following relationship in the cours of your argument:
(a)    The interests of business and the interests of cricket AND
(b)    The demands of the media and the demands of the public

2.    The following passage sets out the conflicting thoughts in the mind of a man as he plans the murder of his guest who is his king.  There are TEN arguments used which have been numbered for your convenience rewrite the arguments in your OWN words in continuous prose, retaining original order.
(i)    If it were done when 'tis done, then't were well
It were done quickly.
(ii)    If the assassination
Could finish up the consequence,
(iii)    and catch
When it concludes, success;
(iv)    that but this blow
Might be the be-all and the end-all here,
But here, upon this bank and shoal of time,
We'd jump the life
(v)    But in these cases
We still have judgment here;
(vi)    that we but teach
Bloody instructions, which, being taught, return
To plague the inventor; this even-handed justice
Commends the ingredients of our poison'd cup
To our own lips.
(vii)    He's here in double trust;
First, all am his kinsman and his subject,
Strong both against the deed, then as his host,
Who should against his murderer shut the door,
Not bear the knife myself, 
(viii)    Besides, this king
Has borne his faculties so meek, has been
So spotless in his great office,
(ix)    that his virtues
Will plead like angels trumpet-tongue against
The deep damnation of this murderous plot.
(x)    I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only Vaulting ambition……

3.    The following poem contains TEN statements which have been numbered for your convenience.  EACH statement contains a deliberate exaggeration which is used by the poet to demonstrate the weakness rather than the strength of Death.  Explain EACH statement in your OWN words.
(i)    Death be not proud, though some have called you
Mighty and dreadful, for, you are not so,
(ii)    For, those who you think you can overthrow,
Die not, poor Death, nor yet can you kill me.
(iii)    From rest and sleep, your pictures which we see
Much pleasure comes, then from you much more must flow,
(iv)    And soonest out best men with you do go
(v)    Rest of their bones, and souls' deliverance.
(vi)    You're slave to Fate, Chance, Kings, and desperate men,
(vii)    And you with poison, wr, and sickness dwell,
(viii)    And pills or magic make us sleep as well,
And better than your stroke: why boast you then?
(ix)    Once short sleep past, we wake eternally,
(x)    And death shall be no more; death, you shall die.