Haryana Civil Service (Judicial)
Examination 1996
Civil Law Paper – II
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 200
Note : Answer any five questions. Three must be from part A, one from part B and one from part C. All questions carry equal marks.
PART - "A"
Q. 1 (a) A Hindu embraces Islam and remarries. His Hindu wife also remarries. Is her remarriage valid ? Also compare the position of a Muslim wife in similar circumstances.
(b) A died leaving behind his widow AW and two daughters AD1 and AD2 with an amount of Rs. 60,000/00. Now his widow adopts a son X. How much does X get ? Give reasons.
Q. 2 Write short notes on four of the following :
(a) Antecedent debt
(b) Testamentary Guardian
(c) Mitakshara coparcenary
(d) Pious obligation
(e) Hindu
Q. 3 (a) A and his brothers B and C are members of a joint family under the Mitakshara School. A sues B and C for partition. After the suit but before the decree A dies, leaving a widow. Can the suit be continued, if so by whom ? If not, whether B and C will get A's share by survivorship ? Discuss with reasons.
(b) A Hindu female died in 1995 leaving her husband H, two daughters D and E, two sons of a pre-deceased son R and M her brother B, her mother N, her step mother Y, and a widow of her brother Z. The deceased had inherited property from her father. Divide A's property among her heirs.
Q. 4 Examine the validity of the following :-
(a) A Muslim male marries the daughter of his own step mother from previous husband
(b) A Sunni Muslim boy of 16 years marries a Christian woman of 81 years.
(c) A marries the daughter of his own wife from previous husband.
(d) A Sunni girl marries a Christian male.
(e) A shia male marries a Christian girl.
Q. 5 Writ short notes on the following :-
(a) Hiba-bil-iwaj
(b) Sajjadansahin
(c) Hizanat
(d) Mehar-i-Misal
PART – "B"
Q. 6 Where a person entitled to institute a suit is a minor or insane or idiot; when will the prescribed period of limitation begin to commence ? Give illustrations.
Q. 7 (a) What is the effect of payment made before the expiry of the limitation.
(b) A owes a sum of Rs. 200/- to B on a pronote. Before the expiry of the period of limitation A pays a sum of Rs. 200/- to B towards that pronote. What is the effect of this payment on limitation ?
Q. 8 Under what circumstances can delay be condoned in the filing of appeal and applications ?
Part - "C"
Q. 9 (a) What is the effect if a document required under law to be registered is not got registered under the provisions of Indian Registration Act, 1908 ? Is such document enforceable in law ?
(b) Can a document which requires registration be received in evidence of any transaction effecting such property or conferring such power. If it has not been registered ?
Q. 10 Whether the following types of lease of immovable property require registration ? Give reasons.
(a) A lease for year to year.
(b) A lease for six months.
(c) A lease for any term exceeding one year.
(d) A lease which is for one year contains an option to the tenant to renew for further period of one year.
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